Primeiro convite pra primeira festa

Abro o e-mail e dou de cara com um singelo convite para a "Primeira Festa dos Estudantes Eramus" (estudantes estrangeiros), dia 20 de set, no "English Bar", a partir das 23h. Quem convida é a "Associação dos Estudantes Eramus de Coimbra"....

De cara, já gostei da associação.

Olha o que o email dizia:

Hello Erasmus, in the behalf of Coimbra Erasmus Student Association we would like to wish a excellent time in Coimbra.
We are truly convinced that this will be a unique experience in your lives.
Our members are volunteers and we are willing to help you with your start over in Coimbra. Our office is in the same floor as the International Office.
We are there on Mondays and Wednesdays from 14h30m- 16h30m and on Tuesdays and Fridays from 9h30m-12h30m

1) Come as soon as possible to our office to make the Erasmus Card, in orther to get many advantages. Our activities will start soon..
Please send us an email with your mobile number in order to put it in our SMS list, like that we can let you know about our activities.

2) First Erasmus Dinner will take place on the 20th of September and the price is 8.5 euros with the Erasmus Card and 10 Euros without the Erasmus Card. Come to our office to sign in. After the dinner we will have the 1 st Erasmus Party.

3) First Erasmus Party on the 20th of September at " English Bar"( is a bar/ disco near Praça da República, 100 mts above Praça da República)
The party will start around 23h.


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